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Nutrition incentives at
farmers markets
in Sonoma County

What are Nutrition Incentives?
Nutrition Incentives at farmers markets provide extra funds to customers on a limited income for purchasing more locally produced fresh foods. Nutrition incentives come in the form of matching dollars, vouchers, coupons, or discounts.
Ask farmers market staff to find out what is available.

What is CalFresh?
CalFresh provides monthly benefits to help low-income community members buy groceries. Benefits are added to a debit-style plastic EBT card that eligible individuals and families use to pay for food at grocery stores, convenience stores and many local farmers markets. Bring your CalFresh card to the market manager's booth and get started!

How does Market Match work?
The Market Match program helps you budget more fruits and vegetables with your CalFresh benefits. Participating farmers markets will match your CalFresh benefits dollar-for-dollar up to a daily maximum. For example, a participating farmers market may give you $10 in Market Match vouchers for spending $10 on your EBT card, giving you a total of $20 to spend at the market. Specific match amounts vary by market. Match dollars can only be used on fresh fruits and vegetables or edible plant starts.